Well. Worked on the site some more.  Added a few photos.  I was asked to help someone with a photography class project and she was interviewing cosplay photographers.  She said she needed some photos for a video she was putting together.  So I looked through my photos to find the best ones.  That’s always hard to do, you look back at old photos and rarely do you find a gem that you think is still good compared to where you are currently at.  Either its a freshness bias or I really am just getting better and better.  While going through the photos I also found photos of people I now knew.  Random shots that I got to go back and say “Hey, is this you?”  Hard to believe its only been 3 years since I started doing photoshoots.  It feels like its been long in the past, and my clients are life long friends.  The reality is its only been recently that I started charging.  Mostly  started with my partner at cosplay photography Lyss.  I’m glad she did though, the hardest lesson I learned was last year when my mirror of my camera broke.  Nothing last forever, so have a plan to cover the cost of replacing it.  I won’t be able to upgrade back up to the full frame camera I had for a while, but at least I’m not losing money everytime I click the shutter now.  Helps with the bills too.

That kinda digressed.  So I added photos that are more recent.  I found a number that I liked to be PhotoArt, so decided to add a tab for that.  I blame a photoshop course I took.  Hopefully as I get better at that, I’ll combine photos from shoots into more artistic composites instead of just editing each individual photo, which can be time consume and more repetitive than creative.

Anyways.  This is the beginnings of hopefully a great business.

