For those who don’t know me.  I’m a photographer who wanted to learn more about portrait photography.  I followed a group that was participating at an anime convention and found that conventions had a ton of people willing to be photographed.  This is not the norm of society.  Not in the outfits they wear, but the fact that most people in our society don’t want to be photographed.  Its strange with all the selfie sticks and everything else, but ask a person at any given moment,  Hey would you like a photo of yourself?   You end up with one group that just doesn’t, or another group that didn’t prepare for one.   Actually I guess anime cons are the norm,  its just that everyone spend an extensive amount of time preparing.   So I ended up a cosplay photographer.  This provided a great opportunity to learn portrait photography in a fun environment.  I still have rough spots in my photography skills, but I kept improving and improving.   Now I’m to the point of starting my own business.  When people keep asking to photograph their wedding. Its definitely time to start you own business.

The other side of me is I’m a mechanical engineer who plans HVAC (Air Conditioning) and Plumbing for buildings.  I started my own business in 2002 and have engineered on my own ever since.  Because of this, or maybe because when I was a kid I was always drawing houses and buildings, I do find enjoyment architectural photography.   I haven’t pursued it as much as the portrait side. but I do enjoy homes and buildings.  I hope at some point in the future to further my skills in this area.  Some of the buildings, I have posted are actually buildings I’ve done engineering work on.  Maybe in the future they will be photos that Architects use in their advertising.

Well that is the basics of me. Hopefully I’ll remember to continue this blog in the future.